We work with a number of organisations and groups to help share and promote best practice within our industry and the sectors we support.
Below is a summary of some of the more recent 'free' advice that we have produced, or links to advice produced by other organisations that we use and trust ourselves.
If you would like to receive copies of our free advice sheets/briefings listed below, please message* us via the 'contact us' page stating the guidance note or briefing that you require, and we will aim to email you a copy of what you have requested as soon as possible.
* Please note we will not add you to any mailing list or share your information with any other organisation. You will simply receive a one-off covering email along with the guidance note or briefing that you have requested.
Most organisations now have publicly stated organisational values. With customers, stakeholders and the general public expecting high standards of ethicality. Whether this is how the service provider or manufacturer or their supply-chain, treat their employees, develops their products, or sources the materials and impacts on the environment. This briefing focuses on the current concerns expressed by the UK's Biometrics and Camera Surveillance Commissioner's, and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Select Committee's, concerns about some manufacturers and suppliers ethical practices and association with oppressive regimes; along with the possible access to devices by such regimes leading to the potential compromise of those devices data security and integrity.
'ACT Awareness' eLearning is a FREE Counter-Terrorism (CT) awareness programme designed for all UK based companies and organisations and available to the public. Public Realm Protection Limited can of course help you roll this training out to your organisation if required. However, the training programme is freely available and designed to be self-accessed.
The Intellectual Property and Copyright resides with the UK HM Government and you should not be charged to access its content. We highly recommend that all clients and organisations access and avail themselves to this excellent and FREE online training resource. Available at https://www.gov.uk/government/news/act-awareness-elearning
Devised by Counter-Terrorism (CT) Police Officers and Security Experts, the ACT Awareness eLearning package was originally only available to staff working in crowded places like shopping centres and entertainment venues. However, UK Counter-Terrorism (CT) Policing has since decided to open up the training to anyone who wants to become a 'CT Citizen' so they can learn how to spot the signs of suspicious behaviour and understand what to do in the event of a major incident.
ACT Awareness eLearning provides nationally (UK) recognised corporate Counter-Terrorism guidance to help people better understand, and mitigate against, current terrorist methodology. The eLearning training is modular and includes:
April 2022
We have recently delivered a free conference workshop at the *CCTV User Group's Annual Conference, Vision 2022, as well as an online webinar for their members.
As part of that presentation and workshop we produced a briefing/guidance notes setting out the 15 Key Steps to consider when procuring the:
The briefing also highlights some of the key pitfalls, and how to avoid them.
*The CCTV User Group is a UK based membership organisation, with an international outreach, and acts as the Voice of UK Public Space Surveillance. Focused on supporting managers and organisations engaged with public space video surveillance.
The CCTV User Group can be found at https://www.cctvusergroup.com/
April 2022
Public Realm Protection Limited
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